
Declarative WebGL


Svelte Cubed

svelthree • Svelte powered three.js development

vatro/svelthree: Create three.js content using Svelte components.

vatro/svelte-accmod: Opinionated (modified) version of Svelte favoring accessors (modified functionality) over $set-syntax as default syntax incl. some reactivity and lifecycle behavior changes related to accessors-usage.


React Three Fiber Documentation

pmndrs/react-three-fiber: 🇨🇭 A React renderer for Three.js

pmndrs/drei: 🥉 useful helpers for react-three-fiber

pmndrs/leva: 🌋 React-first components GUI

pmndrs/gltfjsx: 🎮 Turns GLTFs into JSX components

pmndrs/postprocessing: A post processing library that provides the means to implement image filter effects for three.js.

pmndrs/react-three-editor: 🔌 A one of a kind scene editor that writes changes back into your code

pmndrs/react-three-csg: 🚧 Constructive solid geometry for React

pmndrs/three-stdlib: 📚 Stand-alone library of threejs examples designed to run without transpilation in node & browser

Build fancy landing pages with React(-three-fiber) and Threejs


3D: Introduction | Framer for Developers

mattrossman/r3f-vite: Personal vite starter for react-three-fiber projects

hmans/composer-suite: A suite of libraries for making game development with Three.js and React not only awesome, but so good, it would feel wrong to use anything else.

composer-suite/packages/render-composer at main · hmans/composer-suite · GitHub

composer-suite/packages/shader-composer at main · hmans/composer-suite · GitHub

composer-suite/packages/timeline-composer at main · hmans/composer-suite · GitHub

composer-suite/packages/vfx-composer at main · hmans/composer-suite · GitHub

VFX Composer Examples



Alchemist0823/three.quarks: Three.quarks is a fast, powerful and general purpose particle engine for three.js

Three.Quarks - Visual effect / Particle System library for web, three.js, A-frame

✨ ThreeJS + VueJS 3 + ViteJS ⚡ | TroisJS

troisjs/trois: ✨ ThreeJS + VueJS 3 + ViteJS ⚡


vinxi/packages/solid-three at main · devinxi/vinxi · GitHub

(2) Solid Three, Custom Renderers, and SolidStart w/ Nikhil Saraf - YouTube

pmndrs/gltfjsx: 🎮 Turns GLTFs into JSX components


MeharGaur/rubiks: rubiks is a 3D Rubik’s cube simulator and solver developed with TypeScript, WebGL, and C/C++ 🎨 ✨

Three.js Journey — Learn WebGL with Three.js


Stable Fluids with three.js | mofu

Making a Morphing 3D Sphere in Javascript with Three.js


How to build stunning 3D scenes with React Three Fiber | Varun Vachhar

Three ways to create 3D particle effects | Varun Vachhar

How we built the Storybook Day 3D animation | Varun Vachhar

App / App - App â‹… Storybook

BlocksScene / OtherBlock - Sphere â‹… Storybook

App - App â‹… Storybook