Embedded Lisp
pixie-lang/pixie: A small, fast, native lisp with “magical” powers
The Hy Manual — hy 0.26.0 documentation
hylang/hy: A dialect of Lisp that’s embedded in Python
gilch/hissp: It’s Python with a Lissp. https://hissp.rtfd.io
gilch/hebigo: 蛇語(HEH-bee-go): An indentation-based skin for Hissp.
planck-repl/planck: Stand-alone ClojureScript REPL
candid82/joker: Small Clojure interpreter, linter and formatter.
~duangle/scopes - The Scopes Programming Language & Compiler Infrastructure - sourcehut hg
carp-lang/Carp: A statically typed lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications.
yuriy-chumak/ol: Otus Lisp (Ol in short) is a purely* functional dialect of Lisp.