
State Management

Polyphony ECS GUI and future · Issue #1 · traffaillac/

Thibault Raffaillac

Loki / PolyphonyECS · GitLab

ecsy - Entity Component System in JS

ecsyjs/ecsy: Entity Component System for javascript

fritzy/ape-ecs: Entity-Component-System library for JavaScript.

DavidPeicho/ecstra: Fast & Flexible EntityComponentSystem (ECS) for JavaScript & TypeScript

mreinstein/ecs: data oriented, functional entity component system

LastOliveGames/becsy: A multithreaded Entity Component System (ECS) for TypeScript and JavaScript, inspired by ECSY and bitecs.

Home | Becsy

hmans/miniplex: A 👩‍💻 developer-friendly entity management system for 🕹 games and similarly demanding applications, based on 🛠 ECS architecture.

hmans/statery: Surprise-Free State Management! Designed for React with functional components, but can also be used with other frameworks (or no framework at all.)

Core Concepts | Recoil

Redux Toolkit | Redux Toolkit

Rematch | Rematch

algesten/refnux: re-fn-ux with emphasis on fn


Cerebral Docs

Jotai, primitive and flexible state management for React

pmndrs/jotai: 👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React


pmndrs/zustand: 🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React

Valtio, makes proxy-state simple for React and Vanilla

pmndrs/valtio: 💊 Valtio makes proxy-state simple for React and Vanilla

Usage without setup() | Pinia

Piniajs - Example Vue 3 Vite - StackBlitz

vuejs/pinia: 🍍 Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the composition api with DevTools support

bryanmylee/svelte-keyed: A writable derived store for objects and arrays

WHenderson/stores-mono: Mono-Repo for Svelte compatible Store packages

feltcoop/svelte-mutable-store: Svelte stores for mutable values with the immutable compiler option

shaun-wild/svelte-chrome-storage: A lightweight abstraction between Svelte stores and Chrome extension storage.

Svelte integration | SyncedStore - Javascript CRDT based real-time sync

Introduction to SyncedStore | SyncedStore - Javascript CRDT based real-time sync

YousefED/SyncedStore: SyncedStore CRDT is an easy-to-use library for building live, collaborative applications that sync automatically.

samuba/awesome-svelte-stores: A list of awesome Svelte stores


VictorTaelin/PureState: The stupidest state management library that works.

unjs/hookable: 🪝 Awaitable Hooks

unjs/unctx: 🍦 Composables in vanilla JS


immerjs/immer: Create the next immutable state by mutating the current one

JavaScript State Management


aearly/icepick: Utilities for treating frozen JavaScript objects as persistent immutable collections



Posts · Daishi Kato’s blog

dai-shi/zustand-signal: Another React binding for Zustand

dai-shi/valtio-signal: Another React binding for Valtio proxy state

dai-shi/create-react-signals: A factory function to create signals for React

dai-shi/waku: Minimalistic React Framework